Marc Autret (IndiScripts) wrote another lovely script. According to his own words… it’s the shortest script he’s ever written. The ShowHideLocalFormatting script!
Once installed his script provides a simple on/off mechanism to display any local style overrides that are applied to text. No need to look for that tiny little + symbol in the Character/Paragraph Styles panel… instead a very clear red line marks all the overrides. It even picks up things like hyphenation enabling/disabling, lack of style formatting etc, by placing a red vertical rule at the start of each line in the effected paragraph.
It really is very cool indeed! Merci Beaucoup Marc!
Although Marc doesn’t mention this in his blog-post. I’ve tested the script in InDesign CS5 as well, and it seems to work just as nicely as it does in CS4. That’s super!
Wonderfully useful. Thanks so much.
Hello Anton,
The script will not work in CS3, there is a Plugin available that works in CS 3,4 and 5.
Modesty forbids me from posting a link, maybe Cari will.
Hi Cari, yes, it works in CS5 too, and it toggles it on, and off. Apply a second time to remove it. VEry useful for checking works. Thanks Marc and Cari.
Hi Cari. Great blog. This script seems useful but does it work in CS3 as well?