Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

About Me

Hello, my name is Cari Jansen. I am passionate about online learning, AI, using software and technology to enhance work and learning experiences, and helping others grow digitally. I am full-time employed and currently lead a small team that looks after a number of academic systems and supports teaching staff within the Vocational and Education Training industry. We support staff through helpdesk queries, professional development, the development of self-help resources, and much more.

I have a background in training, technical writing, graphic design and much more.

For a complete record of my qualifications and work experience please visit my LinkedIn profile

Photo of Cari

I started my career some time ago – taking up an apprenticeship at a local publishing and printing company (Meinema) in the heart of the Dutch city of Delft (the Netherlands). I worked in the prepress department and was responsible for compositing, reproduction photography, impositioning and platemaking.

With the introduction of Desktop Publishing, I was happy to be one of the first in the business to start working with layout software and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and I’ve not looked back since. My love for creative and publishing software and technology, sharing what I know with others, and learning from others has driven the rest of my career.

After emigrating to Australia, I ended up working for an Apple Reseller that had a training centre. Originally employed for systems support, the growing range of graphics software in use by most of our customers brought me back to what I loved most: working with software, writing about software, and sharing what I know about software with others.

I’ve been incredibly fortunate with the companies and people I’ve worked for and with over the years, and am grateful for the many amazing work opportunities that have come my way, each has taught me invaluable lessons, working in project teams as well as in self-managed positions, and made me grow as a person.

Variety in work and continuous learning make me happy. I enjoy keeping up with new releases and updates of the various applications used in publishing and eLearning workflows. It keeps me on my toes, and I like discovering how new software features can make work processes easier and more efficient.

I continue to work full-time in the vocational education and training industry.