Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts by Cari Jansen

Illustrator CC (2014): Rectangle tool and Transform ...

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

On June 18, Adobe released #CCNext. One of the applications updated in this release is Adobe Illustrator. We’re up to version 18 now with the Illustrator CC (2014) release. Renewed Transform panel and live shapes The renewed Transform panel contains a Rectangle Properties section that is active when you have a rectangle or rounded rectangle shape selected in […]

Adobe: the Founders’ Perspective.

Adobe General News

Adobe changed the world and revolutionized the publishing industry. A must watch computer history video for anyone who has a passion for the big red A. John Warnock and Chuck Geschke presenting… ‘the founders’ perspective’. Chuck: “When someone tell you our products have made a difference in their life, in their work, their creativity… that […]

How to remove a background from an image in Photosho...

Adobe Photoshop Video Tutorial

How do I remove a background from an image? The following Photoshop tutorial (youtube video) shows one of many techniques there are for removing image backgrounds. The technique used doesn’t permanently remove the background pixels in the images, but allows you to further correct and fine-tune the transparent background you create through the use of […]