Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts by Cari Jansen

Using Scripts in InDesign, CornerEffects

Using Scripts in InDesign, CornerEffects

The following tip will take you through Script installation, running scripts, assigning a keyboard shortcut to a script and reviews the sample script “CornerEffects.jsx”.

Adobe spies? – Myth busted

A lot of forums and blogs over the past weeks have started rumors about calls being made to * when your Adobe software fetches up-to-date info from the Adobe web-site.  People thought the Big Red A was spying on them… John Nack on Adobe (Adobe Blogs) spent a fair bit of time demystifying what’s going on […]

InDesign: Automatic Frame Resizing with AutoFit plug...

InDesign: Automatic Frame Resizing with AutoFit plug-in

The following tip gives an another example of how the Free Typefi’s AutoFit plug-in – downloadable from can be used with InDesign.  In this tip you’ll learn how text is run into a Header-Text Frame and a Body Content Text-Frame that are threaded to each other. As the text is formatted with Paragraph Styles, the Header […]