Updated 10-May-2011 (added alternate option, thanks to Bob’s comment) Publishers quite often generate multiple paragraph styles for bulleted and numbered lists behaviour. For instance the first or last bullet point in a list might have slightly different space before and after settings applied to it.
Posts in category Adobe InDesign
Style Group Names to CSS prefix
When working on EPUB output from InDesign, the stylesheet names in the generated CSS can become quite long, at the same time the number of styles for more complex documents can increase quickly. So I’ve started placing paragraph styles in particular in Style Groups that are named with short names. When InDesign generates the CSS […]
Synchronised coolness…
Every now and again I encounter something in InDesign that I really like and that surprises me… I just had one of those “OMG… this is soooo cooool” moments… It’s probably something that’s been working in InDesign for a while… it might have even been announced as a new feature at some point… what ever […]