Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category Adobe InDesign

InDesign: Sorting with scripts

Adobe InDesign Scripts & Plug-ins

Updated 23-Feb-2010 Added video You’ve spend a few days working on some great layouts for a customer. Lots of bulleted lists and tables, and when you receive the first proof back, many of the lists and tables have a note on them: “can you please sort this in alphabetical order”? I won’t ask you what […]

Sort it please… (2)

Adobe InDesign Scripts & Plug-ins

Adobe InDesign CS4, Sorting with Scripts. This is the second part of a two part write-up about sorting paragraph and table text in InDesign and covers the sorting of table data, thanks to a great script developed and provided freely by Peter Kahrel.

Illustrator: Creating a swatch set from an image

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

During our InDesign Trivia night at the Perth InDesign User Group in December, we had some fun with colours in InDesign. Updated: 5-Jan-2010: Added Video Tutorial at end of transcript Here’s one of the scenario’s we used: So you’re working on a layout in InDesign, and although you know you can use the Eyedropper tool […]