Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category Adobe InDesign

InDesign: Creative with Paragraph Rules

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

I’ve used paragraph rules from my early days when working with that other page-layout application back in the late 1980s (yes, I’m THAT old!).  I used them to create the horizontal lines in tabular tables before table styles were invented (I was the “annual report girl” in my production days), and I have used paragraph […]

Letterpress and Deconvolution Sharpening

Tech News Worldwide

Spent the morning reading blogs and watching some youtube videos, and wanted to share a few great ones with you guys ‘n girls. Fall of Autumn‘s Alan Lastufka is the producer of the following video on Letterpress. Letter Press From job case, leading, quads, coppers & brasses, guide pins, chase & furniture to inking and […]

AutoFit plug-in for InDesign CS4 released

Adobe InDesign Scripts & Plug-ins

Typefi announced on Friday that the very cool AutoFit plug-in, a FREE plug-in for InDesign has been released for InDesign CS4. With this plug-in you can turn text frames into soft-bottom / soft-top frames that automatically grow as more text is inserted. Additionally an added tool in InDesigns toolbar allows the setting of relationships between […]