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Posts in category Adobe InDesign

Creating Interactive PDFs from InDesign (2)

Adobe InDesign Tutorial / Tip

Digitip 081 – Adobe InDesign CS4, adding a movie In this tip we’ll look at how we can add a movie to InDesign and set movie options. InDesign CS4 provides support for placement of movies in various formats: QuickTime (.mov),  AVI, MPEG, and SWF. With support for playing these formats in Adobe Reader & Acrobat […]

Creating Interactive PDFs from InDesign (1)

Adobe InDesign Tutorial / Tip

Digitip 080 – Adobe InDesign CS4, simple rollover effect The following tip demonstrations how to create a very simple roll-over effect in InDesign that carries through to export to Adobe PDF format.

Tracking plug-in for InDesign

Adobe InDesign Scripts & Plug-ins

Five interesting workflow publishing plug-ins for InDesign developed by Ctrl Publishing;   CtrlBridge CrtlCrossTalk CrtlChanges CtrlPrint CtrlLayers web-reference: