Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category Publishing Technology

Style Group Names to CSS prefix

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

When working on EPUB output from InDesign, the stylesheet names in the generated CSS can become quite long, at the same time the number of styles for more complex documents can increase quickly. So I’ve started placing paragraph styles in particular in Style Groups that are named with short names. When InDesign generates the CSS […]

Adobe InDesign and XML: Building a run-in template

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

Some years ago I ran a series of seminars on working with XML and InDesign using an ‘out-of-the-box’ approach. I put together some notes at the time, and I recently rediscovered them and thought it was time to share them with the rest of the world 🙂  I’m posting them un-edited, so if you spot any […]

Preserving electronic publications

EPUB - Electronic Publications

I found myself sitting in the classics library of one of Perth’s beautiful private colleges the other day… staring at the 1875 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Taking a volume off the shelf and flipping through the fragile and slightly yellowish pages brought about a feeling of nostalgia… I couldn’t help but wonder how 135 […]