Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts by Cari Jansen

Georeferencing plug-in Photoshop

Avenza released a while ago a georeferencing plug-in for Photoshop CS2: Geographic Imager. A suite of plug-ins available for Mac and PC, that uses georeferencing data to create mosaics of mutliple images, and applies required transformations, whilst retaining access to the georeferencing information. The application uses Ground Control Points for positioning purposes and is useful […]


Lots of chicklets added to my tips page. You can now subscribe to the RSS-feeds using either Feedburner, My Yahoo, Newsgator, Google Reader, Bloglines, ODEO, Podnova and as always iTunes for the podcast.

InDesign: Nested Styles

Nested styles really ARE better than sliced bread… and I know because I love my breads 🙂 They really provide an incredibly powerful tool for text formatting. Where in the past you might have been using Character Styles to format part of your text, you can – with the help of Nested Styles – apply […]