Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Letterpress and Deconvolution Sharpening

Spent the morning reading blogs and watching some youtube videos, and wanted to share a few great ones with you guys ‘n girls.

Fall of Autumn‘s Alan Lastufka is the producer of the following video on Letterpress.

Letter Press

From job case, leading, quads, coppers & brasses, guide pins, chase & furniture to inking and printing.

Deconvolution sharpening in Photoshop

Mike McHugh did this really cool & funny video on Deconvolution Sharpening. I have to admit I’d never heard of this before… you might not have either. Watching his video, I’m thinking “aaaaahhhh… so that is how they do that on NCIS, CSI etc.” 🙂 the blurry and invisible become visible.

If you’re looking for some background information on deconvolution:

  • Wikepedia provides additional (technical) info.

ePubs from InDesign

David and Anne-Marie recorded back in September a cool InDesign Secrets video on creating ePubs from InDesign. A nice accompaniment to Gabriel Powell’s Essential guide to making and editing eBooks published in the last edition of InDesign Magazine.

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