Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category Adobe

How do I create fractions in InDesign?

Adobe InDesign Scripts & Plug-ins

InDesign out-of-the-box, does not contain a ‘Make Fraction” command, like other applications such as QuarkXPress have, so if you’re a Quark converter (Welcome a-board by the way!!!), how do you go abouts creating fractions in InDesign? So how can setting fractions be made easier? Well, there are a number of options available. Let me take […]

How to. Create a Button that links to First Page of ...

Digitip 074 -Adobe Acrobat 9 Modified: 24 August 9:40pm (slight rewrite, addition Leonard’s comment) Q: I received an email last week, that in a nutshell phrased the following question: How do I create a button on all the pages of a PDF document that, when clicked, links back to the first page of my PDF? […]

CMYK, RGB, HSB, LAB, Pantone…

Thank you very much to those of you who attended this afternoon’s “colour alphabet soup”  Adobe Seminar 🙂 Please find below the links to the web-references I provided on the start slides as well as some additional book references and a link to the Adobe Swatch Exchange file that contains lots of “clean” CMYK colours.  […]