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How to. Create a Button that links to First Page of my PDF

Digitip 074 -Adobe Acrobat 9

Modified: 24 August 9:40pm (slight rewrite, addition Leonard’s comment)

Q: I received an email last week, that in a nutshell phrased the following question: How do I create a button on all the pages of a PDF document that, when clicked, links back to the first page of my PDF?

A good enough incentive to finally write up another digitip. Due to time constraints no screenshots this time, but instead a step-by-step list of instructions that will provide the answer to this question.

A: [Acrobat 9]:

  1. Click the Forms button in the toolbar and select “Add or Edit Fields”. A message might appear warning you that there are no form fields in this PDF currently. In addition it will ask you if you want Acrobat to automatically detect fields for you. Alternatively –as per Leonard’s comment below – Select the Button (tool) from the Tools > Advanced Editing menu and continue with step 4.
  2. When only adding a single button and not working in Forms, click “No” when asked to auto detect fields.
  3. From the “Add New Field” drop-down menu select “Button”
  4. On Page 2 of the document, click in the location you want to have the button appear (or click and drag to set your own button size)
  5. Click “Show All Properties”, in the General tab,
  6. Enter the Field Name: “bBackToPage1” (replace this with your preferred text)
  7. Set the Form Field to “Visible but doesn’t print”.
  8. Click the Appearance Tab, and select the Fill Colour of your Button, as well as the prefered Font and Font Size. Basically these few settings give you control over the button design.
  9. Click the Options tab
  10. Set Layout to “Label only”. This means you’re creating a simple button, using the basic button appearance as set in the previous set, with some text on it indicating the purpose of the button to the viewer of the document.
  11. under Icons and Label enter the Label Text. This is the text the viewer of the PDF will see displayed on the button, e.g. “to Page 1”.
  12. Click the Actions tab
  13. Under “Add an Action” set: Select Trigger: Mouse Up and Select Action: Execute menu item
  14. Click Add…
  15. From the Menu items list select View > Got To > First Page
  16. Click Close

You’ve now created One button on one page, that when clicked, will take the user to the First Page of the document.  Now let’s duplicate this button so it appears on all other pages of the document:

  1. Right Click the button and select “Duplicate”
  2. In the dialog that appears specify the page range on which the button is to appear.
  3. Click OK
  4. Click “Close Form Editing” [not required in Acrobat 8 or earlier]
  5. And test that the button is behaving as intended, by navigating to pages in the document, and clicking the button.

If you are still using Acrobat 8, then start by displaying the Forms Toolbar, and use the Button-tool to create the button and read-on from step 4. You won’t have to Close Form Editing in Acrobat 8 either, instead select the Hand Tool to test the form.

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  1. Cari Jansen Cari Jansen
    November 18, 2008    

    Not that I know off. But you should be able to see all of the tools when the toolbars are floating, by right clicking any of the tools in the toolbar and selecting “Show All Tools” from the contextual menu that appears.

    For Navigation Panels this is different. For instance if you want to see all more of the comments that were added to a PDF, than those few you see when the panel is docked, then drag the Toolbar by its icon (if it is docked in the Acrobat Window) to make it “floating”.
    Unfortunately there isn’t a maximise button to click on after this, but you can select the lower right hand corner of the floating toolbar and should be able to drag it out to any size preferred.

    Hope this helps.


  2. Jim McLellan Jim McLellan
    November 12, 2008    

    Can you make a floating toolbar visible in full screen mode?
    I want to be alble to use commnets toolbar while in full screen mode.

  3. Cari Jansen Cari Jansen
    August 24, 2008    

    Many thanks for that Leonard.

    I’ve included that as an alternate step in the list of instructions 🙂


  4. Leonard Rosenthol Leonard Rosenthol
    August 24, 2008    

    The button tool can also be found on the Advanced Editing toolbar – so that there is no need to go into Forms Editing Mode just to place a single button.

    Leonard Rosenthol
    Adobe Systems

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