Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category Adobe Creative Suite

CS3 user documentation

The new Help Center that integrates with CS3, provides great interactive access to user documentation for the various applications, including links to video tutorials accessible online. However, did you know that the Adobe Help Resource Center, provides complete interactive user guide documentation online for Creative Suite 3 through LiveDocs as well?

International English

International English

You’ve installed Creative Suite 3, live in Australia or New Zealand or another non US-English speaking country around the world using the metric system instead of Imperial measurements system and are wondering why when you launch a new InDesign document your default page size is set to Letter? default Language is set to English USA […]

Creative Suite 3 Fonts

Thomas Phinney’s made a great list accessible on his weblog that provides an overview of all of the fonts that ship with the various Creative Suite 3 bundles, as well as which ones are being installed during a standard install.