Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category GREP

Positive Lookahead – GREP for Designers

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

During a recent ‘Demystifying GREP’ presentation I gave for the InDesign User Group in Perth, I found myself almost physically jumping into a sentence when explaining the concept of Positive Lookahead. I’ve made my speaker notes available: What is GREP? (2.4Mb PDF download). I promised the group I’d write up some posts on lookaheads and […]

Building EBooks with InDesign – Forced Line Br...

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

Updated 3-Jan-2012 / Postscript added One of the pitfalls of converting print publications to EBooks, is that designers often use forced line breaks (Shift+Return/Enter) in print-layouts to control where headings and even paragraph lines are broken. Doing so can cause problems when the same document is also converted to EPUB later on. Problems can occur […]

GREP it and sort it

GREP it and sort it

Digitip 070 – Adobe InDesign During the GREP session at the InDesign Conference in Melbourne late August last year, I demoed the “swapping of first name and surnames” and have been meaning to add a tip on this to my blog for sometime in which we GREP it and then sort the names alphabetically. Last […]