Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

Posts in category Adobe InDesign

InDesign: Introducing GREP Styles (4)

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

The following tip is the fourth tip in a series of tips on GREP. It’s one of my personal favourites. Part 1: Automatically apply a character style to all text between parentheses Part 2: Change the appearance of numbers (figures) within a given paragraph style Part 3: Converting text typed in Capital Letters to Small Caps (OpenType feature) […]

InDesign: Introducing GREP Styles (3)

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

This is the third in a series of tutorials about InDesign’s GREP styles. Part 1: Automatically apply a character style to all text between parentheses Part 2: Change the appearance of numbers (figures) within a given paragraph style Part 4: Formatting price tags containing dollars and cents with multiple character styles In this third tutorial we look […]

InDesign: Introducing GREP Styles (2)

Adobe InDesign Tutorial

This is the second in a series of four short GREP Style tutorials. Part 1: Automatically apply a character style to all text between parentheses Part 3: Converting text typed in Capital Letters to Small Caps (OpenType feature) Part 4: Formatting price tags containing dollars and cents with multiple character styles In this second tutorial we […]