Fan of creative technology, elearning, instructional design and a little geeky

CMYK, RGB, HSB, LAB, Pantone…

Thank you very much to those of you who attended this afternoon’s “colour alphabet soup”  Adobe Seminar 🙂

Please find below the links to the web-references I provided on the start slides as well as some additional book references and a link to the Adobe Swatch Exchange file that contains lots of “clean” CMYK colours.  Feel free to distribute and share with your friends 🙂

Adobe Swatch Exchange

Download the mycleancolours.ase file for use in InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator. This file contains 22 colours build in CMYK, that only use two colours to create the different tints, and are good for colour reproduction in commercial print.  You can read more about how to create these files and how to use them in the different applications in digitip 060.

Some books on colour

On my bookshelf I have the following books that talk about colour, print publishing, digital photography:

  • Real World Color Management, by Bruce Fraser, Chris Murphy, and Fred Bunting (Peachpit Press)
  • Understanding Color Management by Abhay Sharma (Thomson, Delmar Learning)
  • An absolute classic: PDF Printing and Publishing. The next revolution after Gutenberg – The definite guide to Adobe Acrobat 3.0 — Ok, I admit, that is ancient, considering we’re up to Acrobat 9 🙂 probably seriously out of print!!
  • A nice one if you’re starting with Page Design: Before & After Page Design by John McWade (Peachpit Press), a nice little book, well written with lots of good examples for design of newsletters, brochures, advertising etc.
  • Preparing digital images for print by Sybil Ihrig and Emil Ihrig (Osborne McGraw-Hill), again this is an oldie as well, but good to learn concepts etc.
  • And… another oldie — I’m only just noticing how many of these books I’ve actually collected over the years… Might start an antique bookstore 🙂  Getting it Printed. How to work with printers and grahic art services to assure quality, stay on schedule and control cost, by Mark Beach (North Light Books).\
  • Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills , by no other than fellow Australians Mark Galer and Philip Andrews (Focal Press).
  • Not on my shelf, but there are several books on Lab Colour… might have to start reading those myself 🙂 :
    (1) Photoshop CS3 Mastering Lab Color by Deke McClelland (;
    (2) Photoshop LAB Color: The Canyon Conundrum and Other Adventures in the Most Powerful Colorspace by Dan Margulis

Links cool colour web-sites

Web-reference: Color Workflows for Adobe Creative Suite 3 (2008, Adobe Systems)
Web-reference: Color Management Whitepaper (2008, Adobe Systems)
Web-reference: International Color Consortium (2008, Adobe Systems)
Web-reference: Kuler (2008, ICC)

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